A theory on Woman when it comes to dating

I was browsing online and decided to answer the question and this was my response to the question which was Are all Girls shallow?

I don’t believe they are Girls will not always go for attractive men sometimes a girl will call a guy who is not attractive, attractive just for the sake of giving them a complement and simply because they fancy there chances better with that individuals and because that individual is less likely to cheat on them which provides them more security.

don’t  listen to silly sayings like I like your mates better because there fitter than you either they put sayings out like that to fuck with your mind…Girls are insecure there not the confident individuals as they portray themselves to be.   Girls usually wait for guys to go up and speak to them first because there scared of making the 1st move and by the buy guy making the 1st move that gives them the confidence to talk to that particular guy.   Are they might stereotype you and automatically think your a asshole.  And the reality sometimes girls wither they be attractive or unattractive will sometimes go for you or sometimes go for your mates that just how it is

You say you are average looking well just because you say your average looking does not mean that you are….You could be alot better looking than you actually think you are.

As  guy I can tell you I would more likely go for a girl who is average looking simply because I know she is going to give me the time of day, to talk to her a bit.  I would be quite intimidated by really good looking woman mainly because I know I will not be the only one trying and that she might have someone else in mind and just dismiss me immediately were a average looking girls mind can be changed easier.

And just because a girl or anyone else says you are ugly does not mean that you are, they do that because in one way they feel insecure and threatened by you.

I remember looking at a picture of a girl who was not great looking at all and some girls were looking at her picture and left nasty comments about her looks….These girls obviously have the insecure scenarios in their heads of going out one night then coming home failing to hook up with someone and that individual of hooking up with someone…..Very defeating.   If a girl is nasty to you it is probably because she likes you she just does not have the confidence to talk to you other wise and she may have a low opinion of herself and she feels she has a better chance with you if your confidence is lowered.

Be nice to women but not be to nice they will then lose respect for you stand up for yourself and when they attack you stand your ground don’t let them have their way.

I see women in clubs talking to guys who are not attractive very comfortable state of mind more than I see them with guys who are deemed attractive and another thing if Girls are chatting up your mates and ignoring good likely hood they are trying t0 make you jealous prompting you to make the first move…not always the case if they are giving you attention as well they may just be friendly but be careful they could also be doing  to cause jealously amongst you and your friends to cause a fight.

But remember if a girl is nasty to you for no reason it can be because

1) You remind her of a guy who has hurt her feelings before in a previous relationship
2) Someone has did the same to her and she wants to inflict pain to others as I means of crying out for help
3) She fancy’s you and she is rejecting you before you reject her

Girls will say this is bullshit….of course they will only because they feel threatened by it and it threatens there illusion this is why they prefer guys who they can control because the false illusion to have cast on peoples eyes will be smashed.

This idea of struggling with the opposite sex so I must be UN Attractive because I cannot get someone comes from massive TV Programming attractive actors are used to give you the illusion that you must be attractive like them

Peace out

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