Why do people cheat?

Why do people cheat?


Today and for many years now we have seen were a couple who are deeply in love with one another and yet for some reason they cannot help but to have an affair behind their partners back.   Are these people truly in love one another as they claim to be are is there another reason why they are together who knows although I would like to give a my thoughts on why this is happens, the opinions are strictly mine and I am not saying you have to agree with them but I would encourage you to read them and meditate (think) on them and see what you come up with yourself.

Before I get into this particular subject let me first tell you about myself.   At the time of writing this I am 26 years old and single (No idea when this book will get published and released)   and I work part time in Retail.  I enjoy things that any other lad likes to enjoy wither it be watching or playing   football I am a Manchester United fan (For Life) I enjoy gaming and at the time of time of typing this I have a X-Box360 and a PlayStation 3 and my favourite game is the Last of Us a truly epic game totally lived to its hype.  I am a man of faith and when I say faith I do not mean I am religious I have simply humbled myself before God and recognize that I am a sinner and in need of a saviour and that I believed he sent his Son Jesus to earth and only through him can I be saved.   I have put my trust in what Jesus Christ did for me on the cross at Calvary and believed God raised him from the dead I have received him as my personal saviour  putting my trust in him alone for Salvation.  Salvation cannot be earned or lost it is only something you can receive.

But I am not hear to force my spiritual beliefs on any one maybe that is for a different book, I also do not have many great Qualifications but no one should need a piece of paper to tell them that they are qualified  for anything.


Confidence Booster

In today’s world we see it all the time people dragging people down wither this be through a genuine attempt to ruin their reputation by slandering a person’s name behind his/her back or if by making the person feel small to make them feel big by shouting at them in front of other people just to make them look like an idiot in-front of other people.   Another way how we make ourselves look big by making another person feel small is by the way of dating now you are probably wandering how on earth that is even done well let me explain.   How many times wither you be male or female I am sure you have noticed when you are single wither you be physically attractive or un-attractive it is hard to find someone or when you do find someone it is very difficult to hold someone down and get into a committed relationship and when I say relationship I do not mean after one date you are in a relationship I mean after dating a while then going into a relationship you will find that people well you get more interest from the opposite sex than you did before.  I have come to the conclusion when you are dating someone that you know who really likes you it gives you a lot of confidence it relaxes you and your light shines through you, ever notice that when your single for a duration of time you very tensed your paranoid and you lack confidence and you are not comfortable with yourself well guess what that shines through you.   So people when you are with something there is more attraction about as your confidence shines through and many people knows hence the reason they will date someone they don’t really just because they know it will be easier to pull someone when going out with someone else giving them that confidence boost.


Some people are just jerks

Some people are just jerks!  There are a good lot of good hearted people out there who somewhere on the line have lost their way they have been hurt so bad by someone else and do not feel comfortable talking to someone about because they are afraid of talking to someone about it they feel like they have to punish someone else to make themselves feel better about themselves.  It is there way of crying out for help I am not justifying but it is.  They feel the person they are dating is too good for them and out of their paranoia they think they are going to move on to someone better and prettier so what they do is they go and cheat by doing this the person they are dating confidence takes a major kick in the stones but the person who cheated will do it in a way by knocking the persons they are dating confidence it makes them feel like they are now in control and they will also put on an act oh just happened blah blah and because they are in control fear leaves them and empowers them.  They do this because they have let their pain transform into jerks.  So if you are a victim of this then worry not it does not have anything to do with you nothing wrong with you it is a mere reflection of how they feel towards themselves talk to them give them assurance not with your words but with your actions don’t be a walkover.   Communicate and talk to each other about your individual worries and struggles.


Drunken Attraction

The problem is with some people whither it be a man or a woman is that when they are single they go out get drunk have a laugh then they meet someone start dating and then jump into a relationship they go out to the club etc with each other so mingle as a couple when out and this is were the problem lies.  We have a very reactry mind for example you out with someone and they do something that annoys you like ditch you during a date etc or whatever situation when one does not conquer the doubt that comes with that well when someone is having conversation about it being done to them etc your mind will automatically think about that harsh rejection and the feelings associated to that moment and causes you more anxiety and stress.

When you are used to be really drunk only when you are single well even though you are going out with someone because your drunk and you’re only used to be drunk when single well your mind go oh he is drunk so he must be single because he/she is only this drunk when they are single so your sub conscious mind will send single to your body to say Act single and I believe this is the reason why people cheat when they are drunk people who do not plan to cheat because of what I have stated above.  Now my solution to this is this try to go out more in a mixed group of friends but stick together get used to each other’s company while being drunk eventually re-programming your brain to understand even when you’re not with your spouse you are still single despite being this drunk therefore granting you more self-control.  And also to meditate when you are not to re-program your brain to notify it to not act single when drunk imagine yourself in  a bar rejecting people while being drunk because you are with someone else.

Another solution and simpler one make a sacrifice of not drinking as much when you are out even to the point of not getting yourself in a state where you blacking out your opening yourself to taken advantage by anyone hence making stupid mistakes of making out with someone you do not really like or end up cheating.


Addicted to Sex

This is going be annoying for religious folk to read.  Sometimes people cheat because they are addicted to sex and when there partner is not about and there is someone else showing interest well because they have no control of their desires well what can I say they are going to give in not because they want to because of the addiction and pleasure in that in which sex brings.  I know as a man of faith many religious folk well frown upon me for saying this but when we have sex it brings about a feeling of empowerment.  If you choose to date someone who you know is addicted to sex well if they cheat on you, you only have yourself to blame but at the same time if you are addicted to sex you should not be having a BF/GF in the first place.

I am not going to judge my advice to you is that you make a choice and that choice is no longer am I going to let this control my life from now I am going to overcome this addiction it is not going to happen overnight and as a man of faith I would suggest that you surrender it all to the Lord Jesus Christ and he will help you through it.  I find with addictions the day stopped beating myself up for giving and embraced my struggle and not beat myself up for failing is the day I started to overcome it.   What you think is what you become and if you are constantly listening to religion the rules that religion gives well you’re focusing on the problem and that is what you are going to reap.  Look to Jesus there is no condemnation in those who are in Christ Jesus.   It does not make you a bad person every man and women have different battles.  Just rest at Calvary and mediate on what he has done for you and the forgiveness you have received and you will delight in him and he shall grant you the desires of your heart and obviously that is where the change in your life comes from the desires of your heart the change that you want.


Some people are just prostitutes

This may sound harsh but sometimes people forget love is a spiritual virtue not a material virtue.  Sometimes people give up the person they truly love over someone they do not really like simply because that person may secure them for financially not realizing if they stuck to the person they truly and help that person through their storm s they would have been way better off any way so by definition they sell themselves to that person for more money cause of fear of the future make them somewhat prostitutes …… true Story so if you are a victim of someone doing that to you guess what they have done you a favour so threat not.



Now in the previous 5 chapters I have went over you are probably asking yourself the Question what is the main cause of these things where do they truly stem from?  Well we live in a world where if you do not look like the celebrities or if you want to make be successful forget about being yourself  you have to be product that we tell you to be  your worthless etc and when we adopt these ideas we become more paranoid and insecure bringing about INSECURITY.   My advice be yourself because it can lead you to being drunk  resulting in what I stated in chapter 4.  Do not let t get to you there is nothing wrong with you…. What you are worthless and overweight well then lose weight stop listening to Scientist and doctors because of your genes etc  you cannot lose weight prove them wrong.  Find your worth find out your talents go within and seek and ye shall find.  I really hope this has been a blessing to whoever has read this it should took a good bit of time typing but I enjoyed it at the end of the day this is to glorify God not me it is his will that was done here not mine.  Just make sure to talk to someone when feeling least it convinces you to make a silly mistake by acting impulsively.

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