Altering our so called Genetic Code?

Proverbs 23:7 -FOR AS HE THINKETH IN HIS HEART SO IS HE: Eat and drink, saith he to thee; but his heart is not with thee.

Proverbs 4:23 – Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life

My Dear friends when growing up we are told that our genetic make up will determine what we look like conditions like skin conditions etc. You grow up holding steadfastly believing this so will it be.

Diet,exercise and more importantly our thought patterns determine these things. Science acknowledges the fact that meditating (thinking) constantly on positive thoughts will bring positive results you sow what you reap something that Science used to laugh at us spiritual people for well Science is now acknowledges the fact that a change in thought patterns and more positive outlook in life and purer words can play a big role in how you look etc.

Now you have probably gonna ask about eye colour okay that is one thing you cannot change Hair colour well we have hair dye for that lol.

Lets talk about Hair Loss how come some people with parents who lost hair while they grow old don’t lose their hair? How come we have Hair growing treatments that work? Surely if our hair was truly gone it would not be able to grow back? How come we only lose it the top bit and not the hair around the sides oh dear now I know stress can be a cause of hair loss along with cancer even women who have Mums with hair at a old age still think it is natural lets look at this point of view 

1 Corinthians 11:15 – But if a woman have long hair, it is a glory to her: for her hair is given her for a covering.

Oh dear

How come people who are attractive in their teens grow up to be unattractive and how come when we are told we start to lose are looks as we age older well some people just simply get better looking or simply do not look like they have age? These things we must assess it is time the limited mindset that this world this is exactly the mindset that the apostle Paul said we must change from 

Romans 12:2 – And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.

Believe in the impossible do not listen to your doctors when they tell you that you have a condition that prevents you to lose yet when in previous times you put on weight and lost before set yourself out to prove the wrong, when exercising just imagine yourself with the body you are aiming as if you already have it and manage your portions decrease the Alcohol intake and substitute fizzy drinks with plenty of Water and be happy and more importantly BELIEVE

Matthew 8:13 – And Jesus said unto the centurion, Go thy way; and as thou hast believed, so be it done unto thee. And his servant was healed in the selfsame hour.

Speak words of Victory and avoid using curse as much as possible ya know CURSE word

Proverbs 18:21 – Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof.

There is a number of verses in scripture telling us to be careful with our words because we reap what we sow there is creative power in your words


Here is a couple of Articles I read on this matter

The Law of Karma/Reap what you sow

Be thinking about this for a while. Some people come into your life because God put them there for you to build them up and give them confidence unfortunately some of these people will be filled up so much they would want to do nothing but tear you down. Simply walk away from these people God will send them someone else there is no need for you to create a soul tie with this person and have to share the bad karma that they bring.

Once you walk away from these people let them go from your life the soul tie will fade and you will lose those habits that you pick up from them, and return back to your center were your unused Karma will eventually return and shine through you and attract positive situations into your life. There will be tests that will repeat themselves unto you pass them to finish that particular exam.

Smile even when you do not feel like it, do your best not to speak badly of people they will eventually expose themselves and people will see past their act that they put on nothing in the darkness will not be brought to the light, your secret enemies will be exposed by the light of God. Make sure when you have a bit of banter with someone you’re doing it for a laugh and not come across of making a idiot of that person, do your best not swear bad language is called CURSED words for a reason.

Speak uplifting words you reap what we sow for everything you put out there you get back the same goes for your thoughts and actions you have a soul tie with a really negative person help him/her build themselves up if they refuse to grow and tear you down while you share you joy remove yourself from their company and pray for them. Be patient with this person these things take time but f it is getting to the point were you start thinking like them and feeling down like them walk away and keep in mind when you are feeling down it does not necessary means the problem is with you.

Any Un-Dealt past issues you have with yourself well it is time to deal with these issues any Unforgivness you may have towards someone you need to deal with that and trust me Forgiveness depending on the situation of course can be very difficult and it is something that is developed you do not have to let them know as long as you have let it go in your heart. Un-Dealt past issues only bring you down as they intefer with your way of thinking. Talking God is the best way to do this and he may even send people in your life to help you.

Lessons repeat themselves until they are learned so the sooner you learn the better because then you grow quicker that way easier said than done I know.

People who get luckier than you the people who are putting you down at this chances our they are feeding of your Karma or your Harvest so you do not get it all while you feed on their bad harvest, do not be afraid to cut people from your life God will send replacements everybody including yourself and I is replaceable.

You should not also have to hold yourself back so people can feel better about themselves. Don’t fall out with them but disconnect from them and you will get your energy back and go back to your center and they will return back to theirs and because they have not have you to feed of your negativity they will crumble and they will be found out.

God will kick the necessary people out of your life the ones he sent for you to help build but resist it will eventually be disconnected from you spiritually as such, but you got to pray to him and ask him to take control of this situation first.

Don’t let people call you weird for smiling that means you have a cheerful heart so smile

The Law of Karma/Reap what you sow is universal Law.

I understand also that spiritual people will only understand this principle, this is for you people.


Remember the Psalmist said to delight in the Lord and he shall grant you the desires of your heart but you must put your trust in him and stand in his grace and not worry and pass the neccessary tests that is put in your way.  God said who seeks him with their heart will be rewarded,and the years and opportunities that have been stolen from you by other peoples lying will be returned to you twice fold.  Salvation is a free gift this is not a work based salvation message the Golden rule is something the God wants us to do our best to follow,, it is all about the heart because that is were God looks to

Why woman like to be treated like crap

All right this has been playing on my mind all day. When I was younger I was taught to treat girls right to talk to them pleasantly girls are looking for a man not a sex toy, Hollywood taught me that there is such a thing as love at first sight this is not true. You cannot love someone you do not know well, that is lust at first sight lol.

As you go through life you will meet girls who you are nice to treat well and they will then be like you are to nice, and am looking for fun but at the same time these girls will be like who he is a pervert for the same reasons how they act towards guys. There will be girls who will like you and you show interest back then they lose interest and call you a creep etc simply because they do not want to come across as a player so they play the creep card. You wonder why do Girls (Most) like bad guys who treat them like shit, well I have finally figured this out.

They are insecure they do not have much of a opinion of themselves, so when you complement them treat them good they think you are lying etc You see all these advertisements you have to have this make up look like Beyonce (Believe me I have walked past many normal woman who are not Celebrities better looking) so when someone talks to them like trash they respond positively because they think they are being told the truth, but there likeness to that is a reflection of their inner-self it shows they themselves they are of no worth.

No harm having a bit of fun don’t get me wrong your body do want you want with it, but don’t put a lady down to get a lady regardless what she does to you if she is giving you attention and talking about you even slandering you chances are she likes you but she is afraid you are going to hurt you so she does it to you before you do it to her as such. Call a girl sexy tell you like her and want to get with her that is all good, as long as your pleasant about it never try to knock a girls confidence down to make her lower their standards to make you look like you are more attractive than you actually are because you are doing it to yourself, if you have to do be something you are not to get a girl that is not a good thing. If I girl shows interest then changes her mind or says I dunno when ask her out

1) She is not sure if you are being serious or taking the piss
2) Testing you to see if will show more confidence to see how badly you want her.
3) She is afraid of you changing your mind and does it to you,
4) Scared of getting hurt
5) Sees you as the kind of person that she would rather date,not just hook up with and is not ready for a relationships but thinks you will hit pause on your life while she continues her.

Girls make up their own we sayings and language etc and tells us we will never understand them for it, and that they will never understand they will never understand themselves well you know what that is because there is nothing to understand. It is to make you seem interested more give them more attention or simply to annoy you. A girl may be interested in you but go with someone else and go well you did no talk to me etc, You see that she liked you but never even made the effort to talk to you …… Insecurity you know lads sometimes girls have to make the first move whatever happened to Ladies first??? Any way it was on my heart to share this I hope it is a blessing to you reading regardless what age you are.

Just remember the wither it be a Guy doing it to girl or a Girl doing it to a Guy or to put more better if you are a Girl and a guy does this to you or if you are a Guy and a Girl has done any of the above then remember the problem lies with them not you. and if anyone reads this and I have been a guilty of doing this to you I put my hands up wholeheartedly and apologize not a problem with just me being a jerk live and learn.

I am sure if you are female you will be critical or in agreement with this and that is fine your entitled your opinion and I respect it.

Enjoy the rest of the evening I will have something else for you’s later on and do not worry it will be short.

Now I know I was guilty of one of the things I said earlier but I have learned from my mistake and will know better next time

Prayer Guide

Sometimes we get lost in our way on how we should pray we have many different preachers today saying that we should pray this prayer and this prayer and we end up turning to man-made prayers.   I could not help recall that man is now saying that the Lord’s prayer is a guideline on how to pray and they will always use Jesus words when he says to not pray like the heathen pray and we should not recite this prayer like the Lord told us to……Well if Jesus want’s to pray that prayer then we should say that prayer not as a guideline but how it is Jesus was no ordinary man Jesus is the word of God  (John 1:1-14) in-fact Jesus is God almighty in the flesh  (John 20:27-29,1 Colossians 14-16).


So I have been looking into it a bit more obviously using the word of God the Holy Bible and this is what I have come up with so far now again after reading this I would like you to seek God about this and for more knowledge on this subject as I well know nothing really and I will be providing scripture book titles chapter number and verse numbers as it is important that you look this stuff up for yourself as it is important to search the scriptures, if you do not have a bible you can always check on this website  I recommend the King James Version of scripture.


I would like to remind you reading this that it is always important to go into prayer in a humbly and never to exalt yourself before the almighty God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob (Luke 18:10-14) so here it goes


Pray in Secret (Matt 6:5-6)

Don’t pray like the heathen (Matt 6:7-8)

Pray without Ceasing (1 Thess 5:17)

Pray the Lords Prayer (Matt 6:9-14)

Pray for Wisdom and Discernment (1 Kings 3:5-14)

Pray that others will increase and develop Spiritual Understanding (Phil  1:1-9, Col 1:9-14,1 Cor 2:14)

Pray for opportunity to share the mystery of Christ (Colossians 4:3-6, The Gospel also 1 Cor 15:1-4)

Pray for one another that we may stand perfect in the will of God (Colossians 4:12)

Pray for healing (2 Kings 20-2-3)

Pray for Intercession (2 Kings 20:10-11, Ask for intercession and that a powerful one may be sent your way)

Hold nothing back in Prayer and make all requests known to God (Philippians 4:6)

Now as for the Lord’s prayer wither you choose to start your prayer with the Lord’s Prayer or end it with the Lord’s Prayer is entirely up to you I do not think it matters wither or not you do so just as long as you say it.

Don’t suffer in Silence

In life as we go through our internal battles in life they can get a bit to much as they get tough and we have those moment of self defeat and feel like giving up.  I did this as it is Anti-Bullying month and well I felt inspired to do so

Whatever it is you are going through just remember there is people going through the same challenge. Life is a uphill battle but it can be easier if we just talk about the problems we are facing in life. Talk to someone about them wither it be a pastor a neighbor a trusted family member etc

Don’t have to suffer in silence remember you are not your body feeling emotions etc are stuff we develop mainly from soul ties with people we have a bound with Subliminal messages etc (Google soul ties if you do not know what that is) feelings can be overcome.

Bottom line as-well it is alright to receive constructive criticism, but if anyone you knock about does it aggressively in order to make you feel small, stay disconnect from them or even say to them about it and if they raise their voice instead of improving their argument or even try to work things out tell them to piss off. Including the ones who get all angry at ya for just being yourself and not the person who they want you to be. We can’t change people, and this goes for me more than anyone else. Read my Note about me, to fully my point of view of things.

These kind of people are just hurting so bad within that there is no more emotion left in them, and the only time they feel good is when they are dragging others down with you. No one is perfect but if you are connected with these people have a spiritual bond as such you are going to pick up internal struggles and their energies are going to be added to you.

Love them don’t exactly have to like them as such or hang about with them. But try to understand this everyone is fighting a battle within, some choose to give up and get angry and drag others down with them. People like that need to work on building their own personality.

Jesus Christ –  Father Forgive them for they know not what they do

I am human I make mistakes and do things I should not, but I don’t mind constructive criticism. Anyone want to ever talk to me about something don’t be afraid to.

I am a Angel and a Saint. But I never go with the intent to help people to self serve myself, I am capable of doing the right things for the right reasons. I do not defend myself enough or speak up enough in my waking life something I need to learn, and I need to think before acting when I m drunk and sober. My sub-conscious well I let it control to often when I should be dictating it.

Very long this but again a rare occasion this just thought it be relevant to the point were it is Anti-Bullying. I have my beliefs I am changing them I don’t expect people to believe exactly what I believe and that’s fine I rather have that than a cult following! Don’t suffer in silence always remember Nothing is Impossible an there is always someone who has went through what you went through and overcome it. I am sure there is plenty of help pages here on Facebook with people on them who you can talk to. And for those who believe in God, don’t be afraid to talk to him about you’re problems a very pleasant help in Trouble he is. Well I hope this helps someone.