Re-Examining Fornication

Revelation 18:3 – For all nations have drunk of the wine of the wrath of her fornication, and the kings of the earth have committed FORNICATION with her (Babylon), and the merchants of the earth are waxed rich through the abundance of her delicacies.

This verse mentions Fornication but wait we are told Fornication is sex outside of Wedlock or is it.  First of all the word Fornication in the Bible was translated from the Greek porneia which means harlotry Idolatry and the context in which Paul used fornication  in 1 Corinthians 5:1 is Incest.

Female was created from man’s rib she is part of his flesh when we have Sex we become twain flesh and are souls tie a knot together hence we become married.  In other words the flesh missing from man becomes one when he joins together with a woman and God image is complete.    This is why whoredom which is fornication should be avoided we become tied to so many people and have so much different energy we do not know what to do with it hence we become addicted to sex hence the reason why Paul states when one is tempted find a wife and find a husband in other words find yourself a Girlfriend/Husband and settle down.

The greek word for Marriage that was used was Gamos …… take the S away and look at the word Gamo see what you will find.

You do not need to buy expensive rings are do some big ceremony for marriage to get Married since when your love with someone well had to be through a ceremony which cost a lot of money and MATERIAL things.   Very materialistic don’t you think Love is spiritual you do not need to show your love for someone via Materialism.

Fornication meanings

Idolatry (Worshipping false Gods making a Spiritual connection with them)Adultery (Lust in the heart for someone female/male Lust being a UNCONTROLLED desire)Incest harlotry (Prostitution, whoredom)beastalityHomosexuality

Promiscuous Sex is a sin but settling down with someone and making love to that person is not a sin .

Pre-marital sex is not a sin only man has made it so

Sex is important if it is treated correctly good to relieve sex and was created by God as a Means to multiply the earth but also to be enjoyed.

Be careful who you get intimate with  because remember the person you get intimate with you are not just getting intimate with that person   physically you are also getting intimate with that person  spiritually also.   So any adversarial energies they may have etc they will bound to you and depending how you react them will determine that they will play out in your life and you will have to deal with them and overcome those energies as well.  It is the same who you keep close to yourself.   We are spiritual beings and we bond with one another we develop each other traits etc hence why we should be careful we associate ourselves with our confide even in our problems confess our faults to one another that we pray for one another to help us overcome and fix our energy.

People who tear you down

This is for dudes and dudettes  when you are out having fun I am sure there is times when you are out having a bit of banter but there is always that one person who loves to take the piss one to many times but never is to hot when it comes to receiving it back, but you will always notice this person will always try to make you feel guilty and constantly put you down to the point you start believing their lies. The thing is they are Insecure and the reason why he/she/they have selected you as their target is because they feel insecure around you or just insecure in general and see you as an easy target and will go out of their way to crack you down.

It has nothing to do with you, you have done  nothing wrong the problem lies with them.

They will try to humiliate you in front of the opposite sex to make them look awesome,but do not worry they have not humiliated you regardless they do.

They have just shown everyone they humiliated you in-front of how much of an insecure little child they are, good chance is that because you can be yourself and be accepted by others without happening to put on an act like they do,you know the whole always trying to spotlight from you and you only.  They get on like control freak l towards you and if you display that sort of behavior towards them it is a crime.

It is all right to take the piss out of one another but to do it in a very embarrassing way in-front of people you do not know it is a different matter all the gather you have love joy and bright light coming out of you they are hurting on the inside and they feel you should fall down to that level as well.

Have a bit of banter and take a bit of banter but do not take it from someone who is not so quick to take it back and do not take it from someone who is knowingly making an absolute knob out of you but don’t worry about that they are just making a knob out of themselves and the people laughing are laughing at them not you.

Have a Bless night hope this helps

Don’t suffer in Silence

In life as we go through our internal battles in life they can get a bit to much as they get tough and we have those moment of self defeat and feel like giving up.  I did this as it is Anti-Bullying month and well I felt inspired to do so

Whatever it is you are going through just remember there is people going through the same challenge. Life is a uphill battle but it can be easier if we just talk about the problems we are facing in life. Talk to someone about them wither it be a pastor a neighbor a trusted family member etc

Don’t have to suffer in silence remember you are not your body feeling emotions etc are stuff we develop mainly from soul ties with people we have a bound with Subliminal messages etc (Google soul ties if you do not know what that is) feelings can be overcome.

Bottom line as-well it is alright to receive constructive criticism, but if anyone you knock about does it aggressively in order to make you feel small, stay disconnect from them or even say to them about it and if they raise their voice instead of improving their argument or even try to work things out tell them to piss off. Including the ones who get all angry at ya for just being yourself and not the person who they want you to be. We can’t change people, and this goes for me more than anyone else. Read my Note about me, to fully my point of view of things.

These kind of people are just hurting so bad within that there is no more emotion left in them, and the only time they feel good is when they are dragging others down with you. No one is perfect but if you are connected with these people have a spiritual bond as such you are going to pick up internal struggles and their energies are going to be added to you.

Love them don’t exactly have to like them as such or hang about with them. But try to understand this everyone is fighting a battle within, some choose to give up and get angry and drag others down with them. People like that need to work on building their own personality.

Jesus Christ –  Father Forgive them for they know not what they do

I am human I make mistakes and do things I should not, but I don’t mind constructive criticism. Anyone want to ever talk to me about something don’t be afraid to.

I am a Angel and a Saint. But I never go with the intent to help people to self serve myself, I am capable of doing the right things for the right reasons. I do not defend myself enough or speak up enough in my waking life something I need to learn, and I need to think before acting when I m drunk and sober. My sub-conscious well I let it control to often when I should be dictating it.

Very long this but again a rare occasion this just thought it be relevant to the point were it is Anti-Bullying. I have my beliefs I am changing them I don’t expect people to believe exactly what I believe and that’s fine I rather have that than a cult following! Don’t suffer in silence always remember Nothing is Impossible an there is always someone who has went through what you went through and overcome it. I am sure there is plenty of help pages here on Facebook with people on them who you can talk to. And for those who believe in God, don’t be afraid to talk to him about you’re problems a very pleasant help in Trouble he is. Well I hope this helps someone.