Why woman like to be treated like crap

All right this has been playing on my mind all day. When I was younger I was taught to treat girls right to talk to them pleasantly girls are looking for a man not a sex toy, Hollywood taught me that there is such a thing as love at first sight this is not true. You cannot love someone you do not know well, that is lust at first sight lol.

As you go through life you will meet girls who you are nice to treat well and they will then be like you are to nice, and am looking for fun but at the same time these girls will be like who he is a pervert for the same reasons how they act towards guys. There will be girls who will like you and you show interest back then they lose interest and call you a creep etc simply because they do not want to come across as a player so they play the creep card. You wonder why do Girls (Most) like bad guys who treat them like shit, well I have finally figured this out.

They are insecure they do not have much of a opinion of themselves, so when you complement them treat them good they think you are lying etc You see all these advertisements you have to have this make up look like Beyonce (Believe me I have walked past many normal woman who are not Celebrities better looking) so when someone talks to them like trash they respond positively because they think they are being told the truth, but there likeness to that is a reflection of their inner-self it shows they themselves they are of no worth.

No harm having a bit of fun don’t get me wrong your body do want you want with it, but don’t put a lady down to get a lady regardless what she does to you if she is giving you attention and talking about you even slandering you chances are she likes you but she is afraid you are going to hurt you so she does it to you before you do it to her as such. Call a girl sexy tell you like her and want to get with her that is all good, as long as your pleasant about it never try to knock a girls confidence down to make her lower their standards to make you look like you are more attractive than you actually are because you are doing it to yourself, if you have to do be something you are not to get a girl that is not a good thing. If I girl shows interest then changes her mind or says I dunno when ask her out

1) She is not sure if you are being serious or taking the piss
2) Testing you to see if will show more confidence to see how badly you want her.
3) She is afraid of you changing your mind and does it to you,
4) Scared of getting hurt
5) Sees you as the kind of person that she would rather date,not just hook up with and is not ready for a relationships but thinks you will hit pause on your life while she continues her.

Girls make up their own we sayings and language etc and tells us we will never understand them for it, and that they will never understand they will never understand themselves well you know what that is because there is nothing to understand. It is to make you seem interested more give them more attention or simply to annoy you. A girl may be interested in you but go with someone else and go well you did no talk to me etc, You see that she liked you but never even made the effort to talk to you …… Insecurity you know lads sometimes girls have to make the first move whatever happened to Ladies first??? Any way it was on my heart to share this I hope it is a blessing to you reading regardless what age you are.

Just remember the wither it be a Guy doing it to girl or a Girl doing it to a Guy or to put more better if you are a Girl and a guy does this to you or if you are a Guy and a Girl has done any of the above then remember the problem lies with them not you. and if anyone reads this and I have been a guilty of doing this to you I put my hands up wholeheartedly and apologize not a problem with just me being a jerk live and learn.

I am sure if you are female you will be critical or in agreement with this and that is fine your entitled your opinion and I respect it.

Enjoy the rest of the evening I will have something else for you’s later on and do not worry it will be short.

Now I know I was guilty of one of the things I said earlier but I have learned from my mistake and will know better next time