The Law of Karma/Reap what you sow

Be thinking about this for a while. Some people come into your life because God put them there for you to build them up and give them confidence unfortunately some of these people will be filled up so much they would want to do nothing but tear you down. Simply walk away from these people God will send them someone else there is no need for you to create a soul tie with this person and have to share the bad karma that they bring.

Once you walk away from these people let them go from your life the soul tie will fade and you will lose those habits that you pick up from them, and return back to your center were your unused Karma will eventually return and shine through you and attract positive situations into your life. There will be tests that will repeat themselves unto you pass them to finish that particular exam.

Smile even when you do not feel like it, do your best not to speak badly of people they will eventually expose themselves and people will see past their act that they put on nothing in the darkness will not be brought to the light, your secret enemies will be exposed by the light of God. Make sure when you have a bit of banter with someone you’re doing it for a laugh and not come across of making a idiot of that person, do your best not swear bad language is called CURSED words for a reason.

Speak uplifting words you reap what we sow for everything you put out there you get back the same goes for your thoughts and actions you have a soul tie with a really negative person help him/her build themselves up if they refuse to grow and tear you down while you share you joy remove yourself from their company and pray for them. Be patient with this person these things take time but f it is getting to the point were you start thinking like them and feeling down like them walk away and keep in mind when you are feeling down it does not necessary means the problem is with you.

Any Un-Dealt past issues you have with yourself well it is time to deal with these issues any Unforgivness you may have towards someone you need to deal with that and trust me Forgiveness depending on the situation of course can be very difficult and it is something that is developed you do not have to let them know as long as you have let it go in your heart. Un-Dealt past issues only bring you down as they intefer with your way of thinking. Talking God is the best way to do this and he may even send people in your life to help you.

Lessons repeat themselves until they are learned so the sooner you learn the better because then you grow quicker that way easier said than done I know.

People who get luckier than you the people who are putting you down at this chances our they are feeding of your Karma or your Harvest so you do not get it all while you feed on their bad harvest, do not be afraid to cut people from your life God will send replacements everybody including yourself and I is replaceable.

You should not also have to hold yourself back so people can feel better about themselves. Don’t fall out with them but disconnect from them and you will get your energy back and go back to your center and they will return back to theirs and because they have not have you to feed of your negativity they will crumble and they will be found out.

God will kick the necessary people out of your life the ones he sent for you to help build but resist it will eventually be disconnected from you spiritually as such, but you got to pray to him and ask him to take control of this situation first.

Don’t let people call you weird for smiling that means you have a cheerful heart so smile

The Law of Karma/Reap what you sow is universal Law.

I understand also that spiritual people will only understand this principle, this is for you people.


Remember the Psalmist said to delight in the Lord and he shall grant you the desires of your heart but you must put your trust in him and stand in his grace and not worry and pass the neccessary tests that is put in your way.  God said who seeks him with their heart will be rewarded,and the years and opportunities that have been stolen from you by other peoples lying will be returned to you twice fold.  Salvation is a free gift this is not a work based salvation message the Golden rule is something the God wants us to do our best to follow,, it is all about the heart because that is were God looks to