People who tear you down

This is for dudes and dudettes  when you are out having fun I am sure there is times when you are out having a bit of banter but there is always that one person who loves to take the piss one to many times but never is to hot when it comes to receiving it back, but you will always notice this person will always try to make you feel guilty and constantly put you down to the point you start believing their lies. The thing is they are Insecure and the reason why he/she/they have selected you as their target is because they feel insecure around you or just insecure in general and see you as an easy target and will go out of their way to crack you down.

It has nothing to do with you, you have done  nothing wrong the problem lies with them.

They will try to humiliate you in front of the opposite sex to make them look awesome,but do not worry they have not humiliated you regardless they do.

They have just shown everyone they humiliated you in-front of how much of an insecure little child they are, good chance is that because you can be yourself and be accepted by others without happening to put on an act like they do,you know the whole always trying to spotlight from you and you only.  They get on like control freak l towards you and if you display that sort of behavior towards them it is a crime.

It is all right to take the piss out of one another but to do it in a very embarrassing way in-front of people you do not know it is a different matter all the gather you have love joy and bright light coming out of you they are hurting on the inside and they feel you should fall down to that level as well.

Have a bit of banter and take a bit of banter but do not take it from someone who is not so quick to take it back and do not take it from someone who is knowingly making an absolute knob out of you but don’t worry about that they are just making a knob out of themselves and the people laughing are laughing at them not you.

Have a Bless night hope this helps

Prayer Guide

Sometimes we get lost in our way on how we should pray we have many different preachers today saying that we should pray this prayer and this prayer and we end up turning to man-made prayers.   I could not help recall that man is now saying that the Lord’s prayer is a guideline on how to pray and they will always use Jesus words when he says to not pray like the heathen pray and we should not recite this prayer like the Lord told us to……Well if Jesus want’s to pray that prayer then we should say that prayer not as a guideline but how it is Jesus was no ordinary man Jesus is the word of God  (John 1:1-14) in-fact Jesus is God almighty in the flesh  (John 20:27-29,1 Colossians 14-16).


So I have been looking into it a bit more obviously using the word of God the Holy Bible and this is what I have come up with so far now again after reading this I would like you to seek God about this and for more knowledge on this subject as I well know nothing really and I will be providing scripture book titles chapter number and verse numbers as it is important that you look this stuff up for yourself as it is important to search the scriptures, if you do not have a bible you can always check on this website  I recommend the King James Version of scripture.


I would like to remind you reading this that it is always important to go into prayer in a humbly and never to exalt yourself before the almighty God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob (Luke 18:10-14) so here it goes


Pray in Secret (Matt 6:5-6)

Don’t pray like the heathen (Matt 6:7-8)

Pray without Ceasing (1 Thess 5:17)

Pray the Lords Prayer (Matt 6:9-14)

Pray for Wisdom and Discernment (1 Kings 3:5-14)

Pray that others will increase and develop Spiritual Understanding (Phil  1:1-9, Col 1:9-14,1 Cor 2:14)

Pray for opportunity to share the mystery of Christ (Colossians 4:3-6, The Gospel also 1 Cor 15:1-4)

Pray for one another that we may stand perfect in the will of God (Colossians 4:12)

Pray for healing (2 Kings 20-2-3)

Pray for Intercession (2 Kings 20:10-11, Ask for intercession and that a powerful one may be sent your way)

Hold nothing back in Prayer and make all requests known to God (Philippians 4:6)

Now as for the Lord’s prayer wither you choose to start your prayer with the Lord’s Prayer or end it with the Lord’s Prayer is entirely up to you I do not think it matters wither or not you do so just as long as you say it.