Spiritual Trials

Ephesians 6:12 – For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

I have been doing a lot of thinking recently about the many trials that I have faced in life and that the trail that I am currently undergoing and have asked myself the Question are these trials that I undergo there for me to help me in order help me grow spiritually or indeed or these trials from the powers that be. The more I think it about the more I come to the conclusion that these trails that come in our life can help us gain new wisdom and understanding make us into better people but at the same time they can go so wrong because of the powers at be. They can benefit us when we decide to let go and go this is out of my control I must seek God who by the way is WITHIN YOU does not make you God though or you can simply give in. Now we to a certain extent bring our own trials among us like for example Un-Natural desires,Depression,anxiety, etc now I say this meaning no disrespect and with no Judgment but out of Love but if you stop and think about it The Elite want to make things that are not social Norms things that are not natural into social Norms i.e. Homosexuality Bestiality Paedophilia etc as absurd it may sound to some people what if some of these in different feelings that we sometimes encounter in life is just simply a trail, and that they advertise these to push a agenda to convince the masses and yourself that your simply born that way or give in to these feelings you can never change. You can pretty much imagine the hope that people lose and the state of depression that people fall into because of this lie.

Do not involve yourself with political issues like the issue of marriage, look the powers at be own politics remember that so your vote does not make a difference instead pray for the desire results you seek instead engaging inward fighting amongst yourselves because you’re doing it to yourself   pray and love and may that love weigh unto them and they attract the things you attracted in your life and learn from that then start their awakening.

Work on your relationships with friends and family your relationships are a mirror image of what you’re going throw within yourselves so chill out a bit and re-build those…..Operation Re-Build as I like to call it. Don’t get me wrong share your findings with like-minded people but obsess over it do not fall down to their level.

Now I realize some people can bring these challenges into their lives by experimenting etc well that’s because we give off energy we are spiritual beings that give off energy. Now think about I have the belief that when you have sex with somebody your both the souls bind together therefore you become spiritually attached to that person, now do not get me wrong if you no longer want to be attached person that’s fine you can fix that energy this is why you can’t stop thinking about the people you have Sex with or fall in love with because your exchanging energy with that person and adding it to your own hence the attraction to that person. That’s why when someone has sex all round them they just simply cannot help themselves and lose control they think and think and think about it constantly and those create energy and create that reality for you.

Now this is not the case for everyone some people develop in different feelings and give in to them this is down to the fact that the likes of Lady GaGa presents a feel good message Born this way love yourself. I have no problem with Love yourself message because Self Hate is not good for the soul but Lady GaGa’s intentions are not good because her Illumintai overlords have got her to present a message which takes away all hope your born this way forget about changing there is no hope….How depressing and angry must her followers feel and this is where hatred towards God comes from because they feel like God has cheated them out of a hetero life that they so desperately desire.

Fundamentalist religion is The Illuminati’s greatest tool don’t get me wrong I have saving faith in Jesus Christ but what better to dupe the masses than by promoting an angry strict vengeful God who apparently will throw in the flames of Hell if you do not follow a strict lifestyle…..How does this trick people you ask simple Jesus said Judge not least ye shall be judged also now you got to remember when he said he was talking a judgment with a hateful heart if you judge out of love your intentions are pure and you will be judged by that but if you do it out of hate and just to annoy well you will reap what you sow in life. Religious leaders are the ones who are meant to hate us not the Non-Believers Christ told us to love one another……..But yet we are meant to be hated….You see the confusion. Also religion gets you to worry and fear……..Guess what you become that fear you attract it into your life….Remember the fear of God is the BEGINNING of wisdom God is ultimately Love when we come to realize this the better. Jesus has set us free from worry and fear If you have saving in faith in Jesus for your Salvation then your sweet remember that. God has promised those who seek him he will grant them the desires of their heart and I believe this so nothing is impossible trust God he leads you through them he will lead you out of them and out of it you will be a blessing to someone else.


King Solomon – What a man thinketh in his Heart so is he (Pro 23:7 (a) )


Buddha – The mind is everything, what you think is what you become


I am convinced the Illuminati knows this and are doing there outmost to prevent us from discovering who we really are I am still learning as-well. Do what makes you happy do not over obsess about these people yea do your homework but what God shows you is for your education, one thing I have also learnt I used to post stuff on my Facebook obsessively and people did not like it and deleted me of their Facebook. After having a conversation with a friend and some arguing with others beforehand about it I finally accepted that God was telling me basically you would not like it if people were to call at your door at all the time would you trying indoctrinating you. And he is right I am going to chill now…Oh when I said do what makes you happy be yourself and don’t worry about things that are out of your hand pray to God which is just you simply talking to God be honest with him and be specific and let him have it if you feel that you need to have a go it’s okay he understands and welcomes simply because you’re going to him as you are keep talking to God give him everything from worries etc. I went for a period of insecurity in my life were I just to dream of people calling me ugly etc this really depress me but one day I decided to go you know what screw it I don’t care what all the negatives thoughts were telling me so when I had those bad dreams every time someone called me ugly in it in the dream I was yeah whatever so every time I woke up after that I got better and better and came back normal state of mind. I remember learning to drive I kept worrying about the bad dreams happened again it was not until I decided to stop constantly thinking about I improved and after my 6th attempt I passed. I never give up despite my mind telling me to give up, this should be the case with your trails.

Do not obsess with the Illumintai you will eventually get depressed and they feed of your negativity and grow stronger focus on the things you want in life because thoughts and the crying out in the heart count also as prayers. That’s why the Bible tells us to rejoice more and worry less, the less we worry the less we think about them therefore we change our thoughts we change our prayers continue to good and focus on the things you want in life and you will reap that harvest and you will glorify God even more than you did before.


Therefore your more higher spiritually therefore the less the powers at be will be able to influence spiritually. You are going to have your days were you doubt etc.   I had those days when learning to drive….I proved those thoughts wrong. I am sure the minds drug addicts told them the same and they proved those wrong. Stop going to man, go within and God will attract solutions into your life for you to apply them. and for those who write on this site saying that i just gave up it is a part of who I am I say this out of tough love shame on you for casting the seed of doubt into others minds.


God has not cursed it is you have focused on your fears for far too long it is time to change your thought patterns


We do not pick and choose our battles but we can choose to overcome it is simple go within


Job 3:25 – For the thing which I greatly feared is come upon me, and that which I was afraid of is come unto me


1 Peter 4:12 – Beloved, think it not strange concerning the fiery trail which is to try yo, as though some strange thing happened unto you.

The Law of Karma/Reap what you sow

Be thinking about this for a while. Some people come into your life because God put them there for you to build them up and give them confidence unfortunately some of these people will be filled up so much they would want to do nothing but tear you down. Simply walk away from these people God will send them someone else there is no need for you to create a soul tie with this person and have to share the bad karma that they bring.

Once you walk away from these people let them go from your life the soul tie will fade and you will lose those habits that you pick up from them, and return back to your center were your unused Karma will eventually return and shine through you and attract positive situations into your life. There will be tests that will repeat themselves unto you pass them to finish that particular exam.

Smile even when you do not feel like it, do your best not to speak badly of people they will eventually expose themselves and people will see past their act that they put on nothing in the darkness will not be brought to the light, your secret enemies will be exposed by the light of God. Make sure when you have a bit of banter with someone you’re doing it for a laugh and not come across of making a idiot of that person, do your best not swear bad language is called CURSED words for a reason.

Speak uplifting words you reap what we sow for everything you put out there you get back the same goes for your thoughts and actions you have a soul tie with a really negative person help him/her build themselves up if they refuse to grow and tear you down while you share you joy remove yourself from their company and pray for them. Be patient with this person these things take time but f it is getting to the point were you start thinking like them and feeling down like them walk away and keep in mind when you are feeling down it does not necessary means the problem is with you.

Any Un-Dealt past issues you have with yourself well it is time to deal with these issues any Unforgivness you may have towards someone you need to deal with that and trust me Forgiveness depending on the situation of course can be very difficult and it is something that is developed you do not have to let them know as long as you have let it go in your heart. Un-Dealt past issues only bring you down as they intefer with your way of thinking. Talking God is the best way to do this and he may even send people in your life to help you.

Lessons repeat themselves until they are learned so the sooner you learn the better because then you grow quicker that way easier said than done I know.

People who get luckier than you the people who are putting you down at this chances our they are feeding of your Karma or your Harvest so you do not get it all while you feed on their bad harvest, do not be afraid to cut people from your life God will send replacements everybody including yourself and I is replaceable.

You should not also have to hold yourself back so people can feel better about themselves. Don’t fall out with them but disconnect from them and you will get your energy back and go back to your center and they will return back to theirs and because they have not have you to feed of your negativity they will crumble and they will be found out.

God will kick the necessary people out of your life the ones he sent for you to help build but resist it will eventually be disconnected from you spiritually as such, but you got to pray to him and ask him to take control of this situation first.

Don’t let people call you weird for smiling that means you have a cheerful heart so smile

The Law of Karma/Reap what you sow is universal Law.

I understand also that spiritual people will only understand this principle, this is for you people.


Remember the Psalmist said to delight in the Lord and he shall grant you the desires of your heart but you must put your trust in him and stand in his grace and not worry and pass the neccessary tests that is put in your way.  God said who seeks him with their heart will be rewarded,and the years and opportunities that have been stolen from you by other peoples lying will be returned to you twice fold.  Salvation is a free gift this is not a work based salvation message the Golden rule is something the God wants us to do our best to follow,, it is all about the heart because that is were God looks to
