How to Lose weight

This is all for those who are trying to lose weight.  DON’T GIVE UP!!!!    I know how it is to do  a lot of hard-work and see the scales go the other way is frustrating.  DON’T listen to slim World Weight-watchers or any of these what I like to call cults.

All these people do is charge you money stand you up in front of other people and make you feel like total tripe if you  put on a extra lbs in  front of other people.

No you do not have to eat healthy in order to lose weight we should eat healthy here and there because eating healthy is good for the human mind and does not lie as heavy in your stomach and a-lot easier on the heart (And lads were does the blood pump from and to lol).  People eat healthy and exercise all the time and don’t lose weight.

Stick with Cardio only or m ix it up a bit but make sure your Cardio is more than weight/muscle workouts  Muscle puts on lbs.   But your going to put on weight before you lose it.  You’re body takes time to develop form the exercise etc  Drink Non-Fizzy stuff more than you would drink fizzy drinks (So says me)  Water is good but when muscles stretch water repairs damage  and helps muscle develop which means increase lbs.

So relax if you worked your ass off and you fancy s cheese burger have one.   Here when the treadmill says you burnt 250 Calories chances are you have burnt off 750 who knows the treadmill cannot tell how much you burnt off, it is programmed to make that Guess.    I have went from 15st in June to 14 this month.   Did I diet? No I stuck to my cardio and my body eventually develop.  Don’t overdo exercise you don’t want to come out with a tired mind and body because it will be wrecked and how can your body do work if it is tired?  And how can your mind send the positive messages to tell it to develop if it is tired?  It simply can’t

Develop a healthy relationship with yourself for it is said your outside world is a reflection of your inward self.   The More you start develop  a relationship with yourself the more you will feel better about yourself.

There is a good chance that the healthy meals you have bought in ASDA and TESCO or whatever you shop well not it has been proven that is more calories in the so called healthy meals that they sell than their is a medium or small Burger King or McDonald’s meal.

Bruce Lee – Eat Less move More, this is the way to lose weight!

Does Bruce Lee Eat healthy deprive yourself and at the same time starve yourself?  NO absolute not.

Today is the day were instead of saying I do not want to be overweight you will now say I want to feel lighter!   Focus on the goal not the reason why you’re trying to achieve you’re goal.

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